LIFESTYLE | 5 fun ways to keep the kids entertained during a lockdown


Just when we thought extensive lockdowns were behind us, they're back! And Angels, we know how hard it is to think up new ways to keep yourself occupied day after day, let alone the rest of the family which is why we have delved into our own early childhood memories for some fun ideas to keep the kids entertained. Well, for an hour or two at a time at least. 


If you have really young kids, this one is a fun, safe activity that won't be an issue when the 'paint' ends up in their mouths. 

Here's what you'll need: 

    1. A few bowls of yoghurt
    2. Natural food dye colours to mix in to create 'paint' colours  
    3. Newspaper, cardboard or an easy to clean surface like a benchtop


Get your kids off the screens and using their imagination with something as simple as a bunch of different sized cardboard boxes. Let them build a cubby house by helping them cut out and tape up some windows, peepholes and doors. Hand them some colouring pens or paints to decorate with, then watch them entertain themselves. Meanwhile you put some music in your ears and kick back with a well-deserved cup of coffee. Hear that? That's the sound of peace, haha.


beautiful blonde woman walking barefoot on wet sand wearing loose linen dress


We all remember this one from our own childhood. Making the playdough yourself while your little person helps is part of the fun. Homemade playdough is also safe if a bit of it gets in their mouths because you know exactly what's in it. Get busy making your own using  this recipe we found online.


Hmm, in hindsight, this one would've been an excellent tip for all our Melbourne friends this last year. If only you had known at the start of 2020 how much time at home you would have, your older kids would be multi-lingual by now! 

We love the Duolingo app. It teaches 19 distinct languages and it is fun and super interactive, making learning a new language a breeze for all ages. But parents beware, it's pretty addictive once you start. You might find yourself lying in bed in the dark late at night, trying to earn points and unlock new levels. Oh, wait...that might just be us?

beautiful blonde woman walking barefoot on wet sand wearing loose linen dress


Set up a tent in their playroom or bedroom and let them pretend they're off on an adventure. If you haven't got a tent, you could use sheets and a clothes airer or a broom handle across a couple of stools. Yes, we understand the mess and chaos that's likely to ensue, but since you aren't going anywhere anytime soon, try to turn a blind eye. Your kids will love decorating their tents and getting cosy with toys and books in their own private hidey spaces. 

If you manage to get any or all of these activities off the ground, go on, pat yourself on the back and celebrate your parenting wins because you just levelled up. It's not easy to distract kids from the lure of devices. 

If you've managed the lockdowns thus far, you could probably give us some tips too. We'd love to hear what creative ways you've found to entertain the kids while staying sane and grounded yourself. In the meantime, good luck, mummas, you've got this! 🌸 Sass  x



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