WOMEN WE LOVE | Blaise McCann


Founder of fashion empire Hear Us Roar, model, creative and all-around lovely human, talks to ALULU about her changing priorities and slowing down to smell the roses. 

Hi Blaise! You're a woman who wears many hats, so tell us, what DO you say at a party when someone asks you to explain who you are and what you do?

I'm a generalist, but more importantly, a super-connector. I've started and sold a business, modelled. I'm a creative at heart. Right now, I use all this to work as a Community Builder for the Australian Red Cross. 

How long have you been modelling, and how did you come to start out in the industry?

I started when I was 16. I entered a competition and ended up in the top 3. It was a smaller industry back then, you really were the token curve model, and there were little to no brands doing curve. Pretty much only the big box stores. 

Tell us, what are the least and most favourite aspects of your job?

As a model, it feels like you're a coat hanger, and often you're spoken about as if you aren't there. But I've had so many amazing comments over the years from women who have been positively impacted by seeing my image. So I really love that aspect of the job. 

The long days, travelling, and frequent early starts that models have to handle are hard work. We get super tired just doing a few campaign shoots a year, but you must do lots. How do you switch off from work and unwind each day?

I've done a lot less this last year or so as I've been focusing on other parts of my life. But I am a sucker for a great story, whether that's in a great TV Drama or a page-turning book, it helps me relax and get lost in other peoples worlds. I'm also a big fan of sleepy-time tea, and I stay off my phone once I'm in bed - it's a no go zone. I recently bought a lamp with special yellow light to get my eyes ready for sleep. 

beautiful blonde woman not smiling touching hat wearing loose natural linen top and pants with a tie at waist sand and rocks in background

What is your absolute favourite thing to do on the weekends?

Hiking! I love to get out into nature, whether walking or swimming or just walking through my local park. It's important to me that I get out and be in nature! 

Can you give us your Top 5 tips for staying mindful and relaxed?

1. Meditation - I use the Calm app to fall asleep as it has a bunch of meditations

2. Yoga - if I'm feeling tense, yoga really gets the flow going, even if it's 15 minutes

3. Walking - I like to hit the pavement at least once a day.

4. Play - I play with my big fluffy doggo! She brings me so much joy

5. Cooking - the act of cooking really calms me 

And lastly, what are your hopes, dreams and/or plans for the second half of 2021?

To be more content with every day - after selling the business, I need some space to be myself and find what sparks joy in my soul again. 

So learning to be at peace and practice gratitude is really on the agenda for me this year. Slowing down and living to be more in tune with myself. 



We start with the best quality fabrics and design our shapes to be flattering, comfortable, functional and above all, to make you feel good.  

We work hard to make sure you don't have to just "make do" with swimwear that just doesn't fit, feel good, or last the distance.